Patented slip-printing system for rotary screen allows new creative opportunities
New Slip-printing possibilities with E+R precision-controlled direct-drive AC servo motors direct to the screen head.
This process is patented and only available from E+R.
Rotary screens come in discrete sizes 640mm, 725mm, 914 and 1018mm is commonly used in international wallpaper manufacture.
Whilst many of our competitors choose to depend on gears all E+R screen heads have direct-driven AC servo motors directly driving each screen head for increased precision and control with non of the back-lash or wear associated with geared systems.
However, where the designer requires an alternative repeat E+R can now make the screen print a different size than its circumference by adjusting the speed relative to the web.
Of course, there are some limitations that are dependent on both the ink and the substrate. For more information please contact a member of our Print technical team.